Two children, each with an Oreo cookie on their face, trying to move it down into their mouths without using their hands


5 Minute To Win It Games To Play At Home

By Janice Quirt

Feb 28, 2017

From time to time, amazing, hilarity-inducing indoor games are required. Perhaps you’ve planned an at-home birthday party, epic play date or want to make a PD day or holiday amazing without breaking the bank or staring at screens.

Check out our list of Minute to Win It-style games for young and old alike. You can choose the games for which you already have the supplies, or that are easy to obtain and not so expensive.

You can play without keeping track of points, or set it up as a tournament and keep track of points for each game. Suggested scoring could be one point for playing and three for winning.

Here is the Giggle Games lineup!

A Little Dab’ll Do Ya

What you'll need:

  • non-petroleum jelly
  • bag of cotton balls
  • two dinner plates

How to play:

Put a dab of jelly ointment on each player’s nose (we prefer to use a petroleum-free concoction). Each player uses their nose to transfer as many cotton balls as possible from the stack on one plate to the empty plate next to it — no hands allowed! The player with the most cotton balls transferred in one minute wins.

C is for Cookie

What you'll need:

  • one sandwich cookie for each player

How to play:

Each player starts with one cookie balanced in the middle of their forehead. Without using hands, they have to move the cookie down to their mouth. If the cookie falls, they are allowed to use hands to place it back in the middle of their forehead. Anyone who completes the task wins.

That’s Using Your Head

What you'll need:

  • 12 bottles of water (reusable ones work fine)
  • one pair of nylons
  • one tennis ball

How to play:

Line up the water bottles, leaving a foot between each one. Place a tennis ball in the foot of one of the legs of the nylons. The player puts the waistband of the nylons around their head, avoiding the face. Each player has a minute to swing the ball in the nylons and try to knock over all of the water bottles. Winner goes to the player who knocks over the most water.

Play With Your Food

What you'll need:

  • one set of chop sticks for each player
  • one large bowl
  • one small bowl for each player
  • one box of O-shaped cereal (check for allergens)

How to play:

All players participate at the same time. Using only chopsticks, each player transfers O-shaped cereal from the large communal bowl into their own personal bowl. The goal is to be the player with the most cereal transferred!

Make sure to remind players to avoid physical contact and to keep their elbows down. And don’t tell the kids, but this is good for their fine motor skills!

Smartie Move

What you'll need:

  • 25 Smarties or M&Ms per player
  • two plates per player
  • one straw per player

How to play:

Each player uses a straw in their mouth to create suction to transfer a pile of 25 candies from one plate to the other — without using hands! One hand may be used to hold the straw. Tally up the number of candies moved at the end of one minute to determine the winner.

Have fun, take a lot of photos and make sure the parents play as well!

Article Author Janice Quirt
Janice Quirt

Read more from Janice here.

Janice Quirt is a writer who moved from the big city to Orangeville in 2014 and never looked back, claiming a need to take the scenic route through life. Her blended family includes five kids, a wildly overgrown garden and a whole lot of coffee. Janice cherishes creative writing as a treat, right up there with overstuffed tacos, '80s mixed tapes and walks on beaches scattered with dunes.