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Editor in Chief

My first day on the World at Six

Categories:Canada, Journalism, Politics, World

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By Susan Bonner

Host, The World at Six

It's been an amazing few days for me. As word went out about my new role as host of the World at Six, the feedback poured in - from colleagues, friends, family and, most humbling, from so many CBC viewers and listeners across the country.

I've come across it before -- the fierce dedication of the CBC audience. It has an impact every time. And I will feel it when I pull my chair up to the microphone this evening in Studio 400.

Over the years, and across several regions and decades and on the subject of countless reports, I've encountered my share of audience reaction. I've been gently and not so gently corrected, lectured, coached, scolded, thanked and -- occasionally -- praised.

I understand. It is your CBC. And The World at Six is a much-cherished program. Many of you told me how you grew up listening to it and believe it plays a key role in understanding what's going on in the world today. I hear you. And I couldn't agree more.

My path to this job is an example of CBC News' dedication to telling the story of our country and our world. What do I mean by that?

Well, back in the mid-eighties when I started at CBC (and if any of you are doing math right now to calculate my age: stop it!), I was a big city girl from Montreal and Toronto, who was sent to Saskatoon. I learned the sensibilities of the Prairies, and heard CBC radio playing from tractors out in those shimmering wheat fields.

There is no crash course in western Canada and I still had a lot to learn when I was posted in Alberta.

Then I went east to Halifax, and explored the issues on Atlantic Canada's agenda with a CBC microphone in my hand.

I can tell you I needed every ounce of that experience to report back in Montreal on the festering national unity crisis in the early 90s. And then, for a decade on Parliament Hill, I felt as though all of Canada's concerns--the big and the small--had a turn on my CBC radar.

Most recently, I was reporting from Washington, offering a Canadian perspective on just about every major issue in the world.

And I plan to keep reporting to you, on the things that matter most, on the stories that inspire you, anger you, and move you. I will bring that passion and all my CBC experiences to my new big picture role in the studio and I'll take it out into the field at every possible opportunity.

I'm joining a first-rate team at The World at Six, and we'll work every day to bring you the best program we can. Whether I'm in or out of the studio, I want you to know not only what happened, but why, and what it means. You might be in your car, in your kitchen, or on your phone. Our excellent reporters and writers, producers and technicians will bring you a half-hour audio diary of the day in your world; a half-hour you won't find anywhere else.

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. Now, please tune in. Meet me at 6 pm! 

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