Editor's Blog - How we work, how we make decisions, how we serve Canadians.

Editor in Chief

Update on technical difficulties at CBCNews.ca

Categories:Canada, Journalism, Technology & Science


A screen shot of "Polopoly", CBCNews.ca's new content management system.

UPDATED Saturday Sept. 14, 3:30 p.m. ET
We continue to see a disruption in service to Blackberry 10 and Windows apps. If you have one of those mobile devices, please use our mobile website to get the latest news: http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news.html 

This weekend marks a very big change for digital teams across the country that get the digital news to you each and every day.

This morning, we moved to a new content management system - the tool we use to publish our stories and video and interactive graphics to the website and digital properties. The new tool will allow us to post more quickly and give us greater flexibility.

This isn't a  redesign of our website. If the changeover goes smoothly, it'll be business as usual. But when you're changing a system this big, there are inevitable bumps. If you see some of those bumps, bear with us as we go through the transition. It's a big system - runs all of our websites across the country, our apps and mobile properties and funnels our syndication feeds to products like Google Currents. The editorial and technical staff will be working feverishly through the weekend testing, making lists of fixes we need to make, and checking that everything is working.  

If you have any problems or notice any of those bumps, please feel free to get in touch with us - we'll be watching for your feedback closely.

Marissa Nelson

Senior Director, Digital Media, CBC News & Centres
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